Monday, November 12, 2007

12 of 12

Happy Birthday to Chad! It is that time again. 12 of 12...I had a really weird day. I kept forgeting to take the camera or when I did remember to grab the camera I left it in the car. So half of my pictures were taken on my cell phone. But those taken on my camera are in focus for the first time ever, thanks to Helen in the UK. Thank you, Helen! And here it is...

10am - contemplating my warm cozy bed and my fat little Heidi cat, trying to decide if I should get back in bed or go to yoga. Also making a mental note that I really need to launder the bedding later.

11:30am - I decided to go to yoga. About halfway through some guy drove by the park and started yelling at us. wanted to know why we didn't go to the gym. I love outside yoga, it is always an adventure.
1:15pm - back at the house, Will was napping on the floor in front of the tv, sadly my knees popped really loudly when I got down in front of him to take the picture and he managed to cover his face before I could get it. Brat!
2:00pm - Laundry! 3 full loads, it has been way too long, but the laundry room is 2 flights down and a pain in the butt. I suppose it could be least we have a laundry room.
3:00 - Left the dryer duty to Will so that I could finish up my workout, I needed at least 30 minutes more cardio, yoga is good but just doesn't really satisfy the need to sweat. And a fantastic 30 minutes it was, because the guy on the stairmaster behind me had a little gas problem, and when I say little, I mean it was so bad I had to fan my face with my book and almost flee the room . Seriously, if you are going to do something like that in a room full of people breathing deeply, well...just DON'T!
7:00pm - After the gym, it was a quick shower and then we raced down to Huntington Beach for a preview screening of the newest Battlestar Galactica.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Battlestar, but I could write a whole seperate blog about what we saw tonight. I could get a foaming at the mouth rant going, but I have an 8:30 am appointment to do the stairs in Santa Monica, so I am going to control myself. (Even if it kills me)
9:15pm - After the show, California Pizza Kitchen, where I proceeded to undo all the good working out I did today, dammit!

10pm - The final nail in my coffin, Key Lime Pie, and also my copy of Bradbury's "The Illustrated Man" which I finished in the theater waiting for Razor to start. I haven't actually read alot of Bradbury, mostly just his short stories, "Martian Chronicles", etc, but he writes some really depressing stories.
10:45pm - Back home, Will felt the need to torment Callie, just because he can.
11:00pm - I am telling myself that by going onto nowcasting for 5 minutes late at night I actually did something for my career today, even if it was a only a little tiny effort. 11:05 - Watching Desperat Housewives, on the internet, wondering if I should not watch Desperate Housewives on the internet anymore, at least until the writers are getting their fair share. Chad?
and of course, I can never sit at the computer without Gus Gus sharing my chair with me. Cute little pain in the fanny that he is.
The kitties would be most grateful if I would get up and feed them now (you can also get a better idea of Gus Gus's idea of sharing a chair, I get the edge, he gets the chair)
Slow day today, but Disneyland tommorow with Mom, 3 of my sisters and all the nephews!