Monday, November 12, 2007

12 of 12

Happy Birthday to Chad! It is that time again. 12 of 12...I had a really weird day. I kept forgeting to take the camera or when I did remember to grab the camera I left it in the car. So half of my pictures were taken on my cell phone. But those taken on my camera are in focus for the first time ever, thanks to Helen in the UK. Thank you, Helen! And here it is...

10am - contemplating my warm cozy bed and my fat little Heidi cat, trying to decide if I should get back in bed or go to yoga. Also making a mental note that I really need to launder the bedding later.

11:30am - I decided to go to yoga. About halfway through some guy drove by the park and started yelling at us. wanted to know why we didn't go to the gym. I love outside yoga, it is always an adventure.
1:15pm - back at the house, Will was napping on the floor in front of the tv, sadly my knees popped really loudly when I got down in front of him to take the picture and he managed to cover his face before I could get it. Brat!
2:00pm - Laundry! 3 full loads, it has been way too long, but the laundry room is 2 flights down and a pain in the butt. I suppose it could be least we have a laundry room.
3:00 - Left the dryer duty to Will so that I could finish up my workout, I needed at least 30 minutes more cardio, yoga is good but just doesn't really satisfy the need to sweat. And a fantastic 30 minutes it was, because the guy on the stairmaster behind me had a little gas problem, and when I say little, I mean it was so bad I had to fan my face with my book and almost flee the room . Seriously, if you are going to do something like that in a room full of people breathing deeply, well...just DON'T!
7:00pm - After the gym, it was a quick shower and then we raced down to Huntington Beach for a preview screening of the newest Battlestar Galactica.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Battlestar, but I could write a whole seperate blog about what we saw tonight. I could get a foaming at the mouth rant going, but I have an 8:30 am appointment to do the stairs in Santa Monica, so I am going to control myself. (Even if it kills me)
9:15pm - After the show, California Pizza Kitchen, where I proceeded to undo all the good working out I did today, dammit!

10pm - The final nail in my coffin, Key Lime Pie, and also my copy of Bradbury's "The Illustrated Man" which I finished in the theater waiting for Razor to start. I haven't actually read alot of Bradbury, mostly just his short stories, "Martian Chronicles", etc, but he writes some really depressing stories.
10:45pm - Back home, Will felt the need to torment Callie, just because he can.
11:00pm - I am telling myself that by going onto nowcasting for 5 minutes late at night I actually did something for my career today, even if it was a only a little tiny effort. 11:05 - Watching Desperat Housewives, on the internet, wondering if I should not watch Desperate Housewives on the internet anymore, at least until the writers are getting their fair share. Chad?
and of course, I can never sit at the computer without Gus Gus sharing my chair with me. Cute little pain in the fanny that he is.
The kitties would be most grateful if I would get up and feed them now (you can also get a better idea of Gus Gus's idea of sharing a chair, I get the edge, he gets the chair)
Slow day today, but Disneyland tommorow with Mom, 3 of my sisters and all the nephews!

Monday, October 29, 2007


Look how much he loves me!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

12 of 12 October 2007

It is a miracle! I remembered 12 of 12 before 5pm on the 12th!

And just so you know, I am all about the ! and the ... today (just because)

Thanks to Chad Darnell for the monthly picture fun!

Just got home from work, it is 1am and I was catching up on Chad's blog...

2:45 am Oooh! 12 of 12 reminder! And it is the 12th already, and I am up waaaay too late. My to do list for morning, starting with 7am yoga and a trip to the bank. It was a really good night slinging drinks at the bar!
6 am - And only 3 hours later...I am up and on my way to yoga in San Pedro.
And most is my very last day to drive 26 miles to workout, because today we take the final after pictures. SO CHEESY!

Run home, change clothes and off to West Hollywood to audition for a game show...don't ask me why, it is horribly embarrasing, they want you to caper about like a dancing monkey, but hey, there might be money involved!
Home again, after a brief mani/pedi stop (you can see my pedi in the corner) and FINALLY a picture that is in focus (stupid camera) And here you can see the view from my fire escape, featured in countless commercials, tv shows and music videos and loved by location scouts everywhere! One word people...BACKLOT

As I ran out of the building this morning at 6am, I was finishing my yogurt and sadly the only thing in the mailbox when I got home was my spoon (didn't want to bring it in the car, because it would stay there for a month)
Apparently this is the face I make while filling out a deposit slip at the bank...
Nap time! joining the girl kitty and the cranky boy (he pulled a graveyard shift last night)
10pm - out of bed and into the shower before work AND it turns out we have no hot water AGAIN! So very fast, very cold shower...(that is my shower curtain, by the way)
and then it was raining...
11:20pm - Getting into work, the bar is still rocking, these people really need to leave so I can start the audit...
11:45 PM - first cup of coffee for the night! Bring on the graveyard shift.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Grrrrrrrr......12 of 12

Off to VanNuys
Frustration. Can't seem to figure out what comes next in my story. Someone told me, let the characters lead the way, let them go where they want to go. You created them, now let them run wild...

They just don't seem to want to go anywhere right now.

Funny, this kind of works with my day yesterday

on the way to Redondo Beach

Alcohol and Beverage Commision education (somebody kill me please)
Comfort FoodNO PICTURES PLEASE!!!Oh, look more traffic!
On the right side of the screen Jericho, season one and on the untouched script. I stared at it for a while last night, but sadly, I got nothing.
I will go for a long run later and maybe something will come to me.

Thanks to Chad Darnell for 12 of 12!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

August 12 of 12 (5 year anniversary!)

Yay! My 12 of 12 (courtesy of the fantastic Chad Darnell) is 2 days late posting, because I was off in the beautiful city of Long Beach celebrating my 5 year anniversary with Will (the boyfriend) and I was am biggest girl about the whole thing! I worked my little brain for months to come up with the perfect plan, perfect gift, perfect getaway and finally came up with this.

I really should preface my photos with the beginning of my day....months in planning and it almost went down in flames before it started. What you don't see in photos was that I somehow ended up on the schedule to work Sunday(the anniversary) night. After some desperate phone calls and wrangling I arranged to switch my Saturday night graveyard shift into a 2 hour shift and come in for one of the am servers on Sunday instead. But when I went out to my car on Saturday night at 10pm to drive to work, I had a flat tire. I finally arrived at work, one hour late for my 2 hour shift, with a donut on my car. Thankfully, the hotel owners took me in for the night (at their house, a strange and unnerving experience I hope not to repeat) so that I didn't have to drive another 20 miles on my ridiculously small spare tire at 1 am, and I reported back to work at 9am. After a horribly slow morning, we ended up packed to the gills 15 minutes before I was supposed to get off, resulting in actually leaving work and hour past when I was supposed to and then topping it all off with another hour wait for new tires.

Finally,I arrive home and we are off...sort of

Here I am trying to print out Will's gift and directions to the hotel without him seeing where we are actually going (I really wanted to surprise him) sadly I had to repeatedly yell at him, GET AWAY! GET AWAY, GET AWAY at a pitch that is usually only heard by canines and sonar equipment
And now, really, we are off...and Will is starting to get cranky.
The culmination of the cranky, in the car, after I asked him to wear a blindfold to facilitate the surprise, I will spare you the details, but he ended up taking a nap instead.
But, all of this changed when we arrived at our first stop...

The parking lot in Long beach where we kissed for the very first time, 5 years ago. And yes, I am a big sappy cheesy girl, but thankfully Will shares my sense of the cheese and we listened to our favorite song and kissed again in our parking lot before moving on to the next stop.
Will loves the old ocean liners (Titanic, Queen Elisabeth and Queen Mary) so we stayed on the only one of the 3 that is still above water.
Checking in on the Queen Mary....
Getting ready for dinner, which was originally planned for Sir Winston's, but ended up being the Chelsea, because we are Philistines who do not know how to follow a business casual dress code. By the way, for future reference, a collared shirt with jeans is not appropriate for fine dining on the Queen Mary
Our state room, note the portholes and the original wood paneling, pretty spiffy
Somebody must have known it was a special night, because somehow we ended up with fireworks during dinner
Mmmmm....steak and champagne (I ordered Merlot to be served with my meal, but it never appeared, whatever)
There was an orchid garnish on the plate and Will didn't believe I would actually eat it...a little note about me, I can almost never resist a dare.
After waiting almost a half hour for our tiramisu (it was apparently off somewhere with my Merlot) and a very nice walk on the deck, I gave Will his present (a flight lesson) and we passed out like the old people our graveyard working lifestyle has made us.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Just sitting here...

Eating my bran cereal, getting ready for an audition, to be followed by a drive to Irvine. Searching for the belief that everything is for a reason. That this is truly leading somewhere.

Good things do not come to those who wait. Good things come to those who get up and go after them.

I've got something in the cooker. It is now a team of two effort and I know that it is good.

AND thanks to a very determined friend of mine, I know that it is all very possible.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


It is really difficult to marshall my thoughts into a coherant blog right now. It just seems like there is so much going on and my energy is so scattered in every conceivable direction. I almost feel as though I need somebody with a dog, a rope and a cattleprod to ride me into the corral.

As usual, I am searching for an outlet to direct my creative energies, preferably one that will a) not cost me alot of money and b)will benefit my career short or long term.

Sadly, it seems lately that all potentially beneficial career moves will at least cost me a whole lot of postage and at most several months rent.

Rent! Currently, yet another point of contention. I am trying to manifest a resolution that will not involve me going to the housing authority and having to file a lawsuit. I just feel like there are so many better, more worthwhile pastimes I could be pouring my energy into. BUT, in my belly I feel the fire of the righteously indignant. I have every right and reason to be outraged, but really would like to direct that effort elsewhere.

Still bouncing a screenplay around in my head, but making very little leeway and beginning to wonder just what exactly I will do with it, if I ever do actually get around to penning it. If I had a nickel for every actor that has a "brilliant" script somewhere in their home...

Then again, that is a very negative outlook and I am really trying to redirect my energies to the positive.

And just the fact that I typed the previous statement makes me want to drag my little pollyannna ass into an alley and administer a good old fashioned ass whipping for being such a self righteous prig.

For lack of a beter explantion, it would seem that the little angel and devil on my shoulders are engaged in a constant struggle for supremacy and in the meantime I sit and contemplate my navel lint.

I am looking for volunteers to come down here and light a fire under my ass. Or at least come and play with me and take my mind off of it all. Because if I ignore the situation, it is almost like it isn't happening at all!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Mission Statement...

Somebody asked me today to write myself a mission statement. What is my direction? What am I working to accomplish? How am I directing my focus?

I am having major difficulty with this.

I know what I want. I just don't know how to get there. Building an acting career is a somewhat intangible process. There is no roadmap. No tried and tested way of getting there. At least not that I've heard of. Maybe there is a secret society of...
Oh wait, there is always the secret society of "my mommy or daddy is famous and now my talentless, lazy ass is going to ride their coattails into my own career, and then make up some bullshit story about how I did it all on my own and never traded on who my parents are."

But dwelling on the negative is not going to accomplish anything. All of my relatives are useless in this aspect, so I guess I will just have to work this one through on my own.

And don't get me wrong, I would totally trade on my family ties, if I had any to do so, but I don't, so I resent and despise anyone who does. Especially if they later try to deny the tie ala Kate Hudson or Bryce Dallas Howard.

Back to the original point...mission statement...going to have to think on this for a bit.

Sunday, July 22, 2007


I ran ten miles this morning! It was excrutiatingly painful and hotter than the backside of Hades. But it is done.

Started a new food program this week and have managed to adhere to it 2 of 5 days. But on a bright note I have increased my exercising to the point that it may not matter what I eat. We will see when I jump on the scale next week.

I am the ultimate wishful thinker.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Good to know...

The Boles family grapevine is in full effect.

It is hard to describe...

Imagine that every single little tidbit in your life travels at the speed of light and is discussed in great detail by every single member of your family.

OK, for example...

In the morning you are having a conversation with a sister and you happen to mention that your boyfriend likes to cuddle after sex. First off, that sister gets all, "Oh my God, I can't believe you just told me that!" Because heaven forbid anybody be open and not have any weird hangups when talking about sex. In the afternoon you are on the phone with another sister and out of nowhere..."I hear you and W*** like to cuddle after sex, Oh my God!" And at the next family gathering it is all anybody wants to talk about.

Gossip and judgement are the staple of my family's lives.

I talked to my Uncle this morning and I got an earful from my sister this afternoon.

Now if my uncle thinks I am being a dimwit, why rather than telling me, does he feel the need to call up my sister and discuss it with her?

Sometimes I feel like I am their favorite scandalous reality show.

I should just stop talking to all of them.

Friday, July 13, 2007

12 of 12 (Ok, so it is only 9 and I feel like a big old cheater)

Ok, I am cheating because I just don't have 12 pictures. I slept most of the day and then went to work and couldn't really take pics at work, and then it was after midnight and I figured the would really be cheating. So I am only cheating a little by shorting my pictures.

AND...I still can't seem to take a picture that is in focus with this damn camera. It is a digital Fujifilm FinePix A345 and if anyone has a suggestion it would be most welcome...

I woke up and went straight to the computer to check my email, hoping my Manager got back to me, because she emailed me 2 days ago and said she sent me 2 emails this month that I didn't respond to, and one of them was a casting call, and I think she is upset with me, but I never got any stinking emails, I triple checked, and how can she penalize me just because she can't type in my damn email address correctly?! And shouldn't she be calling my cell phone with auditions anyway? They are kind of too important to just relegate to am email, but hey, maybe that is just me...Sadly, there was no email response from her, and now I must endevor not to panic and assume my manager doesn't want to speak to me anymore.

Then I decided to crawl back in bed for a little bit, because who can resist the cuteness of these two?
Of course the extra cuddle time to make me feel better meant that I ended up leaving the house 19 minutes later than I was supposed to and now I will be praying all 20 miles to work that I make it on time.
I decided I might as well throw in some prayers to make it to work without running out of gas. (Also, there is nothing wrong with my damn brake light, but that little indicator light has been on for a month now.)

I made it to work only a few minutes late and reminded myself to get gas before driving home.

My work face. For once I did not apply my makeup in the car on the way to work, but then that probably contributed to my being late ...
There is a new rule at work that the opening waitress is required to take a half hour break, but since we have tables at all times we can't actually take a break because teamwork is a completely alien concept where I work...So I clocked out, ducked into the back and bolted down a burger and some grilled asparagus in about 5 minutes, went back on the floor for the last 25 minutes of my break then clocked back in. is quite possible that he is possesed by the devil.

And here are our busy little bartenders, pretending they don't see the drink tickets waiting to be made.

Finally, time to checkout for the night...count the money, write it all up, turn it in, drive 20 miles home and spend 40 minutes looking for a parking space.

AND I forgot to get gas, but somehow managed through force of will to hold off the little gas gauge light until I got off the freeway!

Weird, cranky neurotic 9 of 12 today.

Thank you to Chad!!!