Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Running Journal...

It is tragic. How far the mighty have fallen? Pathetic really.

Ok. So, I've never actually been a fast runner. But I used to do a decent (ie:comfortable, no gasping) 10 minute mile. I ran a marathon last year, a feat I never even imagined I would contemplate, much less finish sucessfully.

I went for a run this morning. A painful, gasping, exhausting 3 mile run. It took me 38 minutes. If you consider that I can probably subtract 3-4 minutes for stoplights, that still means I have slowed down to an 11:30 mile. AAARGH!

Ok. Getting over it.

Day One...

140 lbs

38 minute run
42 minutes Elliptical

Note to self - kick my own ass!

I will exercise at least 2 more times this week

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